
Being towards death

Heed not to the tree-rustling and leaf-lashing rain, Why not stroll along, whistle and sing under its rein. Lighter and better suited than horses are straw sandals and a bamboo staff, Who's afraid? A palm-leaf plaited cape provides enough to misty weather in life sustain. A thorny spring breeze sobers up the spirit, I feel a slight chill, The setting sun over the mountain offers greetings still. Looking back over the bleak passage survived, The return in time Shall not be affected by windswept rain or shine.




import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.messagebox
import random
from math import sin, cos, pi, log
from tkinter.constants import *
width = 888
height = 500
heartx = width / 2
hearty = height / 2
side = 11
heartcolor = "pink"  # 爱心颜色,可修改
class Heart:
    def __init__(self, generate_frame=20):
        self._points = set()  # 原始爱心坐标集合
        self._edge_diffusion_points = set()  # 边缘扩散效果点坐标集合
        self._center_diffusion_points = set()  # 中心扩散效果点坐标集合
        self.all_points = {}  # 每帧动态点坐标
        self.random_halo = 1000
        self.generate_frame = generate_frame
        for frame in range(generate_frame):
    def build(self, number):
        for _ in range(number):
            t = random.uniform(0, 2 * pi)
            x, y = heart_function(t)
            self._points.add((x, y))
        for _x, _y in list(self._points):
            for _ in range(3):
                x, y = scatter_inside(_x, _y, 0.05)
                self._edge_diffusion_points.add((x, y))
        point_list = list(self._points)
        for _ in range(4000):
            x, y = random.choice(point_list)
            x, y = scatter_inside(x, y, 0.17)
            self._center_diffusion_points.add((x, y))
    def calc_position(x, y, ratio):
        force = 1 / (((x - heartx) ** 2 + (y - hearty) ** 2) ** 0.520)  # 魔法参数
        dx = ratio * force * (x - heartx) + random.randint(-1, 1)
        dy = ratio * force * (y - hearty) + random.randint(-1, 1)
        return x - dx, y - dy
    def calc(self, generate_frame):
        ratio = 10 * curve(generate_frame / 10 * pi)  # 圆滑的周期的缩放比例
        halo_radius = int(4 + 6 * (1 + curve(generate_frame / 10 * pi)))
        halo_number = int(3000 + 4000 * abs(curve(generate_frame / 10 * pi) ** 2))
        all_points = []
        heart_halo_point = set()
        for _ in range(halo_number):
            t = random.uniform(0, 2 * pi)
            x, y = heart_function(t, shrink_ratio=11.6)
            x, y = shrink(x, y, halo_radius)
            if (x, y) not in heart_halo_point:
                heart_halo_point.add((x, y))
                x += random.randint(-14, 14)
                y += random.randint(-14, 14)
                size = random.choice((1, 2, 2))
                all_points.append((x, y, size))
        for x, y in self._points:
            x, y = self.calc_position(x, y, ratio)
            size = random.randint(1, 3)
            all_points.append((x, y, size))
        for x, y in self._edge_diffusion_points:
            x, y = self.calc_position(x, y, ratio)
            size = random.randint(1, 2)
            all_points.append((x, y, size))
        for x, y in self._center_diffusion_points:
            x, y = self.calc_position(x, y, ratio)
            size = random.randint(1, 2)
            all_points.append((x, y, size))
        self.all_points[generate_frame] = all_points
    def render(self, render_canvas, render_frame):
        for x, y, size in self.all_points[render_frame % self.generate_frame]:
            render_canvas.create_rectangle(x, y, x + size, y + size, width=0, fill=heartcolor)
def heart_function(t, shrink_ratio: float = side):
    x = 16 * (sin(t) ** 3)
    y = -(13 * cos(t) - 5 * cos(2 * t) - 2 * cos(3 * t) - cos(4 * t))
    x *= shrink_ratio
    y *= shrink_ratio
    x += heartx
    y += hearty
    return int(x), int(y)
def scatter_inside(x, y, beta=0.15):
    ratio_x = - beta * log(random.random())
    ratio_y = - beta * log(random.random())
    dx = ratio_x * (x - heartx)
    dy = ratio_y * (y - hearty)
    return x - dx, y - dy
def shrink(x, y, ratio):
    force = -1 / (((x - heartx) ** 2 + (y - hearty) ** 2) ** 0.6)
    dx = ratio * force * (x - heartx)
    dy = ratio * force * (y - hearty)
    return x - dx, y - dy
def curve(p):
    return 2 * (2 * sin(4 * p)) / (2 * pi)
def draw(main: tk.Tk, render_canvas: tk.Canvas, render_heart: Heart, render_frame=0):
    render_heart.render(render_canvas, render_frame)
    main.after(160, draw, main, render_canvas, render_heart, render_frame + 1)
def love():
    root = tk.Tk()
    screenwidth = root.winfo_screenwidth()
    screenheight = root.winfo_screenheight()
    x = (screenwidth - width) // 2
    y = (screenheight - height) // 2 - 66
    root.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (width, height, x, y))
    canvas = tk.Canvas(root, bg='black', height=height, width=width)
    heart = Heart()
    draw(root, canvas, heart)
    tk.Label(root, text="I Love You!", bg="black", fg="#FF99CC", font="Helvetic 25 bold").place(relx=.5, rely=.5,
if __name__ == '__main__':
    root = tk.Tk()
    root.resizable(0, 0)
    root.wm_attributes("-toolwindow", 1)
    screenwidth = root.winfo_screenwidth()
    screenheight = root.winfo_screenheight()
    widths = 300
    heights = 100
    x = (screenwidth - widths) / 2
    y = (screenheight - heights) / 2 - 66
    root.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (widths, heights, x, y))  # 设置在屏幕中居中显示
    tk.Label(root, text='亲爱的,做我女朋友好吗?', width=37, font=('宋体', 12)).place(x=0, y=10)
    def OK():  # 同意按钮
        love()  # 同意后显示动态爱心
    def NO():  # 拒绝按钮,拒绝不会退出,必须同意才可以退出哦~
        tk.messagebox.showwarning('❤', '再给你一次机会!')
    def closeWindow():
        tk.messagebox.showwarning('❤', '逃避是没有用的哦')
    tk.Button(root, text='好哦', width=5, height=1, command=OK).place(x=80, y=50)
    tk.Button(root, text='不要', width=5, height=1, command=NO).place(x=160, y=50)
    root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', closeWindow)  # 绑定退出事件

段代码实现了一个用 Python 的 Tkinter 库绘制跳动爱心的程序,其中包括了一个弹窗来询问是否做一个人的女朋友,如果同意则会显示跳动的爱心,如果拒绝则会重新询问。(无法解决,只能同意哦~)


1. 导入必要的库
首先,导入了一些必要的 Python 库,包括 Tkinter 库以及一些数学函数库和常量库。这些库是用于程序中需要用到的功能,例如绘图、随机数生成、数学函数计算等。

2. 设置常量

3. 定义心形类
定义了一个名为 Heart 的类,其中包括了一些函数和变量。在__init__函数中,首先定义了原始爱心坐标集合(self._points)、边缘扩散效果点坐标集合(self._edge_diffusion_points)、中心扩散效果点坐标集合(self._center_diffusion_points)以及每帧动态点坐标的集合(self.all_points)。然后调用了build函数生成原始爱心的坐标集合、边缘扩散效果点坐标集合和中心扩散效果点坐标集合。在build函数中,首先生成了一定量的原始爱心坐标,并将其加入self._points集合中。然后对于每一个原始爱心坐标,随机生成三个偏移量,通过scatter_inside函数将其加入到边缘扩散效果点坐标集合中。最后,随机从原始爱心坐标中选取一个,通过shrink函数将其缩小到某一个半径内,并将其加入到中心扩散效果点坐标集合中。


4. 绘制爱心

5. 问询窗口
在主函数中,首先创建了一个名为 root 的 Tkinter 窗口,并设置其标题和大小。然后创建了两个问询按钮的函数(同意和拒绝),并分别在窗口中设置其位置和响应函数。定义了一个函数closeWindow用于在点击窗口关闭按钮时提醒用户不能通过逃避来解决问题。最后,通过调用mainloop函数进入主循环,等待用户的响应。

