
Being towards death

Heed not to the tree-rustling and leaf-lashing rain, Why not stroll along, whistle and sing under its rein. Lighter and better suited than horses are straw sandals and a bamboo staff, Who's afraid? A palm-leaf plaited cape provides enough to misty weather in life sustain. A thorny spring breeze sobers up the spirit, I feel a slight chill, The setting sun over the mountain offers greetings still. Looking back over the bleak passage survived, The return in time Shall not be affected by windswept rain or shine.

There is no content that cannot be searched globally: The most comprehensive Google advanced search syntax commands in history.

Serial NumberSyntaxSyntax DescriptionExampleExample Description
1+Same as AND, search for results that contain multiple keywordsSearch + engineSearch for pages that contain both 【search】 and 【engine】
2OROrSearch OR engineSearch for pages that contain either 【search】 or 【engine】
3-Minus sign, pages that do not contain the word after the minus signSearch engine -BaiduSearch for pages about 【search engine】 that do not include 【Baidu】
4“”Double quotes, exact match“search engine”Exact match for the keyword 【search engine】
5*Asterisk, wildcard, fuzzy search, asterisk replaces a certain characterSearch *engineThe asterisk can be any character
6@Add @ before words used to search social mediatrump @twitterSearch for trump's twitter
7$Add $ before a number to search for a specific pricecamera $400Search for a camera priced at $400
8#Search for # tags#throwbackthursdaySearch for the tag throwbackthursday
9..Two dots, add .. between two numbers to search within a rangecamera 500..500..1000Search for cameras priced between 500 and 1000
10filetypeSearch for resources of a specific file typeC++ filetype:pdfSearch for C++ web resources of type pdf
11siteSearch within a specified siteC++ site:https://www.zhihu.comSearch for C++ related pages on Zhihu
12cacheView the Google cached version of a website, which will directly display the cached pagecache:weibo.comView the Google snapshot of Weibo
13infoAdd info: before a URL to get website detailsinfo:github.comSearch for details about the GitHub website
14relatedSearch for pages related to a certain websiterelated:sina.comOther websites with similar structural content to
15linkReturn all pages that link to a certain URLlink:www.csdn.netSearch for all pages that contain links to 【】
16inurlSearch for pages where the query term appears in the URLinurl:search engineSearch for pages with 【search engine】 in the URL
17intitleSearch for pages where the query term appears in the page title, supports both Chinese and Englishintitle:search engineSearch for pages with 【search engine】 in the title
18intextSearch for pages where the query term appears in the page body, supports both Chinese and EnglishSEO intext:search engineSearch for 【SEO】 in pages that contain 【search engine】 in the body
19inanchorSearch for pages where the anchor text (the text displayed for the link) contains the search terminanchor:frontendSearch for pages where the anchor text contains 【frontend】
20allinurlThat is all+inurl, pages where the URL contains multiple keywordsallinurl:SEO search engine optimizationEquivalent to: inurl:SEO inurl:search engine optimization
21allintitleThat is all+intitle, pages where the title contains multiple keywordsallintitle:SEO search engine optimizationEquivalent to: intitle:SEO intitle:search engine optimization
22allintextThat is all+inanchor, pages where the body contains multiple keywordsallintext:SEO search engine optimizationEquivalent to: intext:SEO intext:search engine optimization
23allinanchorThat is all+inanchor, pages where the anchor text contains multiple keywordsallinanchor:SEO search engine optimizationEquivalent to: inanchor:SEO inanchor:search engine optimization
24weatherweather/time/sunrise/sundown + city name, returns the weather/time/sunrise/sunset time for the cityweather:beijingDisplay the weather in Beijing
25musicOr use songs, artist name + music/songsJay Chou musicReturn all songs by Jay Chou

Advanced Search


If you do not want to use search keywords, you can also use Google's advanced search feature. Here, you do not have to struggle to remember the usage of various keywords; just enter keywords or phrases in the corresponding fields to further narrow down the search by language, region, last updated time, domain, word position, whether to include adult content, file type, and usage rights.

Google Search Easter Eggs
Google search is not only practical and powerful, but it also hides many interesting little Easter eggs waiting for you to discover. Typing "do a barrel roll" will make the entire page rotate 360 degrees; searching for "Askew" will tilt the screen; "Blink HTML" will make the words "HTML" and "blink" flash on the search page. There are more surprises like "Google logo history," "meteor shower," "cat," "dog," "pig," "bear," "Newton," "BTS," etc., just waiting for you to explore!

The joys of life are often hidden in the ordinary. Appreciating these little surprises created by the Google team not only adds fun to dull searches but also gives you a new understanding and experience of this thoughtful tool. The next time you use Google search, try entering some interesting keywords; you might unlock unexpected experiences.

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