
Being towards death

Heed not to the tree-rustling and leaf-lashing rain, Why not stroll along, whistle and sing under its rein. Lighter and better suited than horses are straw sandals and a bamboo staff, Who's afraid? A palm-leaf plaited cape provides enough to misty weather in life sustain. A thorny spring breeze sobers up the spirit, I feel a slight chill, The setting sun over the mountain offers greetings still. Looking back over the bleak passage survived, The return in time Shall not be affected by windswept rain or shine.

People get angry over trivial matters and then get moved by disasters.

  1. What can silence others is not reason but identity.
  2. I used to always want an answer, but later I realized that attitude is the answer, so I no longer ask why.
  3. There are so many rules and regulations in the world just to tell us that we don't have to fit into all of them.
  4. The person who is worshipped as a god by you will not like the dusty version of you. Others' reminders are like taking a pulse, but being clear-headed is the real cure.
  5. There are only two types of people in the world: those who have been scratched by a cat and those who haven't.
  6. Wealth is not divided based on assets, but based on the ability to withstand risks. In today's society, the difference between most people and poverty is just a major illness, a cycle of time, or a strategic shift.
  7. To bribe a dog, you need a meat patty; to bribe a brainless person, you just need to paint a picture for them. Generation gap is not divided by time, but by cognition.
  8. In today's society, most people are actually the same generation as the statesman Shang Yang during the Warring States period. Many people admire and praise Shang Yang, fantasizing about returning to the Qin Empire. However, in the eyes of Shang Yang, these people are not even considered "human."
  9. If you remain silent about the deaths of more than fifty people, then it's best to also keep silent about gossiping about a fat cat. This is the minimum level of humanity.
  10. Strange things happen in the village. When the Li family and the Wu family fight, it is the Zhao family in the east of the village that suffers heavy losses.
  11. The sunflower said, "As long as we strive to grow towards the direction of the sun, life will become simple and beautiful. My happiness is just that simple." Later, its children became sunflower oil.
  12. Western-style slacking: wandering on the streets, smoking marijuana, drinking excessively, and buying things with zero money. Eastern-style slacking: not buying a house, not getting married, not having children, and finding a job that follows labor laws, working from nine to five, with weekends off. image
  13. Characteristics of cormorants: they work hard their whole lives to catch fish, but they have a steel ring around their throats. The big fish they catch are given to their owners, and they can only eat small fish, shrimp, or even mud to fill their stomachs.
  14. Someone said, "Nearly 200 million migrant workers have not bought houses, so they have great potential for home purchases." Netizen: "We still have 1.39 billion people who have not bought a Rolls-Royce, so there is huge market potential for Rolls-Royce in our country."
  15. Unexpressed emotions never disappear; they are just buried alive and will one day erupt in a more ugly way. The emotions we bury in our hearts year after year are like walls that prevent the free wind from passing through.
  16. We want to have fun in the world, but we didn't expect the cost of eating, drinking, and playing to be so high.
  17. People who shout that they only care about making money generally don't make much money. People who name themselves "won't change nickname until I lose 20 pounds" often don't lose weight. An elder once taught us, "Silently make a fortune, that's the best."
  18. In the Soviet Union, there are only two types of people who talk about patriotism: shameless scammers without bottom lines and easily excited fools. These two types of people are a perfect match, with the former responsible for reaping and the latter responsible for dedication. - Boris Pasternak
  19. When you gradually come to understand that the cognition of people on a piece of land is not just one generation, but several generations, you will find that any bizarre and distorted things happening are no longer surprising.
  20. Things that are not forgotten will be forgotten in the act of not forgetting.
  21. In ancient times, when two people first met, it took a lot of time to determine who was superior and who was inferior, that is, who should kneel to whom. Before this was figured out, communication could not even begin because the arrangement of "rituals" could not be determined. After this was figured out, communication was no longer needed because what the superior said was always right. The most typical example is a drinking session. The first half is about establishing the hierarchy, and the second half is a test of obedience. If the ending is the one who is inferior making a declaration of obedience to the superior, then the drinking session can successfully come to a close.
  22. Five famous sayings at the ceiling level: 1) "When money speaks, the truth keeps silent. When power speaks, even money retreats." - Rothschild. 2) "We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall
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