
Being towards death

Heed not to the tree-rustling and leaf-lashing rain, Why not stroll along, whistle and sing under its rein. Lighter and better suited than horses are straw sandals and a bamboo staff, Who's afraid? A palm-leaf plaited cape provides enough to misty weather in life sustain. A thorny spring breeze sobers up the spirit, I feel a slight chill, The setting sun over the mountain offers greetings still. Looking back over the bleak passage survived, The return in time Shall not be affected by windswept rain or shine.

Three Abilities to Support Yourself in the Second Half of Life

  1. In your hands, there are books, hiding future directions
    Mr. Liang Qichao, the owner of the Yinyin Tea House, has the ability to read and remember everything, and has become a great figure in his generation. In his more than fifty years of life, he has always lived and learned. As a juren in the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty, Liang Qichao has been known as a child prodigy since childhood.

At the age of eight, he started studying literature, and at the age of nine, he could write a thousand characters. At the age of seventeen, Liang Qichao became famous overnight. He loved reading throughout his life, and with his extensive knowledge, he explored various books from China and abroad, constantly enriching his knowledge.

His vision became broader day by day among the countless books, and he focused on the world situation. In an era of turmoil and change, he not only received traditional education in a timely manner, but also actively absorbed new Western knowledge.

Therefore, he did not become a pearl abandoned by the times. He progressed with the times and introduced new ideas to China with his lifelong knowledge. Since then, Liang Qichao, who was determined to reform and save the country and strive for the revitalization of China, began to emerge.

Lu Xun once said, "Reading makes the mind blossom."

Without reading, life is empty and tasteless, and life is just going with the flow. Only by reading can one broaden one's horizons; only by reading can one cultivate oneself; only by reading can one truly find a way out.

Life is long, so why not step out of your comfort zone and explore every corner of the world? Give yourself a chance to sit down and read, and don't complain about the hardships of reading. That is the window through which you look up to the future.

  1. In your pocket, there is money to solve the worries of life

As the saying goes, "A penny is hard to come by."

A person always has to lack money once to realize the value of saving money. Without money, it is difficult to move a step and you may be beaten when crossing the street. With money, you can travel all over the world with your head held high.

After achieving success, Fan Li chose to go to Taihu Lake and start a fishing life. He expanded his business to Song and Qi countries, quickly accumulating a huge fortune.

In addition, Fan Li generously helped the poor, opening a new door for himself. When the king of Qi heard about his talent, he invited him to serve in the government. However, after three years in office, Fan Li chose to resign and continue his business journey, becoming the richest man in the local area.

Mo Yan once said, "Life is not for money, but life needs money. Kneel down and earn money first, then you have the qualification to make choices while standing."

  1. In your heart, there is a path to break through the fog of adversity

In the "Shui Diao Ge Tou," it is written, "No matter how the wind blows and the waves beat, it is better than strolling in a leisurely courtyard."

In one's lifetime, there are various difficulties, either bright ahead or a confusing journey. Don't deny yourself or lose yourself because of temporary difficulties. If there is a path in your heart, flowers will bloom under your feet.

"Shi Shuo Xin Yu" records a story during the Eastern Jin Dynasty:
When Xie An lived in Dongshan, he often went out with famous scholars of his time, such as Wang Xizhi and Sun Chuo. One day, they took a boat out to sea. The originally sunny sky was now covered with dark clouds, and the sea wind howled, causing huge waves.

Even the knowledgeable Wang Xizhi and Sun Chuo couldn't help but panic.

They hurriedly shouted to the boatman, "Row the boat back quickly!"

However, only Xie An remained spirited, singing and chanting. Seeing this, the boatman's heart also calmed down a lot, so he decided to continue forward.

However, the storm became even more fierce. Wang Xizhi and the others were filled with fear, standing up and holding onto the mast tightly. But Xie An remained calm and composed, as if this storm was just a small challenge in his life.

Finally, under Xie An's reassurance, the boatman successfully sailed the boat back to the shore.

Feng Tang once wrote in a book, "Every great person needs a stable core, so that they won't be blown away by the wind in the universe."

Many times, the difficulties of life are just small ripples caused by fate. When your heart is broad, your vision becomes clear. If you can bear hardships and overcome low points, a person with a strong inner self can withstand any collapse.

Don't worry about a bad life, don't fear unknown traps, calmly embrace the next challenge. In the long journey of life, don't be afraid, don't panic, hold yourself steady, and there will always be a path leading to a brilliant tomorrow.

In the book "Pi Nang," there is a saying, "When you can't bear it anymore, you also want to find a support, but you will find that you can't rely on anything. Therefore, you should be your own support."

When you reach middle age, you have experienced half of life's hardships, overcome setbacks and bottlenecks. The path is chosen by yourself. Even if it is difficult, you must grit your teeth and move forward with determination.

By reading diligently, you can find the most suitable path for yourself; by saving enough money, you can choose a more valuable life; with a stable mindset, you can navigate through hardships like rowing against the current.

When you have your own support, you can raise the sails of time and create a vast world.

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