
Being towards death

Heed not to the tree-rustling and leaf-lashing rain, Why not stroll along, whistle and sing under its rein. Lighter and better suited than horses are straw sandals and a bamboo staff, Who's afraid? A palm-leaf plaited cape provides enough to misty weather in life sustain. A thorny spring breeze sobers up the spirit, I feel a slight chill, The setting sun over the mountain offers greetings still. Looking back over the bleak passage survived, The return in time Shall not be affected by windswept rain or shine.

If the country is filled with "cynics" who have lost their dignity, what hope is there for this nation?

In human history, why has the behavior of "cynicism" and "servitude" been so prevalent in expressing loyalty? Why do they lose their dignity but still behave as if they have no shame?

Because for those who are in extreme situations of "dictatorial oppression" and "ironclad rules," living like a "cynic" can become a survival strategy for self-protection and adaptation to the environment. However, this attitude towards life cannot be an effective strategy for "fighting evil forces" or "changing the environment."

It is an undeniable fact that for most of human history, people have been oppressed by dictatorship, except for the unique example of ancient Greek city-state democracy. In the ancient history of various nations, monarchic authoritarianism was a common phenomenon. In the vast history of humanity, people have lived under the "ironclad rules" of authoritarian power for most of the time.

Phillips referred to the "ironclad rules" (slavery) as an extreme survival situation under irresistible circumstances, which can also be a survival environment where personal freedom and human rights are lost. Your personal power cannot overcome this evil force, and you have to endure its ravages.

Foucault believed that human society, from ancient times when it unleashed crazy torture on human bodies and minds, gradually evolved into a survival purpose of implementing "gentle" violence to make the ruled submit and "consciously" accept discipline. He believed that people's bodies, actions, and subjectivity are all results of the exercise and shaping of power.

Therefore, unlike the violent rule of slavery, governments like the Nazi authoritarian rule of "ironclad rules" always combine rewards and punishments, using the behavior of a few to train the loyalty of the majority. As long as you continue to express loyalty with "cynical" or "servile" behavior, over time, regardless of what you think in your heart, you have entered the role of a "cynic" or "servant" and completely lost your personal dignity. At the same time, your role behavior will have a demonstrative effect on the people around you, and they will imitate it, thus achieving the "discipline" effect that Foucault mentioned.

It is said that Diogenes once lived in a barrel and begged for a living, and people mocked him for living like a dog. However, Diogenes himself did not feel particularly sad. One day, when Alexander the Great came to visit him lying on the ground sunbathing, he asked what favor he wanted, and Diogenes replied, "Just don't block my sunlight."

"Living like a dog" is the only way for "cynics" to seek survival, highlighting the crisis of social beliefs: since nobility doesn't matter, neither does lowliness. Since there is nothing "remarkable," there is also nothing "undesirable."

The result of holding this attitude towards life is that from a complete denial of the secular world, it turns into shamelessness towards the secular world.

Just like the impoverished cynic Diogenes, when someone gives him money, he gladly accepts it but says with dignity, "You generously give it to me, and I take it from you without any complaints or grievances."

"Cynicism" becomes a clear but helpless mentality and way of life, with a desire for change but giving up the possibility of action. On one hand, it doubts, distrusts, and disbelieves in things around it, but on the other hand, it cannot see any way to change them, leaving only the survival strategy of indifference, passivity, and inaction, and then abandoning dignity, seeking favor, and conforming to the crowd.

Cynics believe that compared to adhering to pure morality, conforming to the situation can preserve life, and conspiring with it will bring more benefits. Since conforming to the situation can allow you to survive, then you have to develop a set of "pretense."

For example, in the extreme situation of Nazi "ironclad rules," if you want to resist, you must first be able to survive. Those who resist control their own survival, do not make meaningless sacrifices, and do not let bad people force them to death.

People living under the "ironclad rules" live in a constant sense of fear. For self-protection and prevention of accidents, they must be cautious in their words and actions, carefully hide their true thoughts and emotions, keep silent on sensitive matters, and remain silent.

Cynicism thus becomes a psychological mechanism for many silent individuals to compensate for their inner shame. They are cynical, sarcastic, and view those who dare to speak out as troublemakers.

A Soviet intellectual once revealed an unspeakable fact: the more cowardly a person is, the more likely they are a shameless cynic.

In that era, in an extreme environment where freedom of speech and freedom of thought were not allowed, people had to learn to speak cleverly or simply close their mouths. However, that was not enough; they also had to control their expressions. This is the art of pretending to survive.

In George Orwell's "1984," Winston's lover Julia is a master of pretense. She actively participates in the daily Two Minutes Hate and even throws things at the screen to show her enthusiasm, even though she doesn't believe a word of the dystopia's lies. But she can act, showing more loyalty and devotion than anyone else. She knows that the dystopia likes this kind of performance, and she only says what it wants to hear.

Although the pretense in the face of "ironclad rules" is a typical cynicism, it is also a means of self-preservation.

Confucius in China said long ago, "When the state is righteous, dare to speak boldly and act accordingly; when the state is unrighteous, dare to act but speak cautiously." He also said, "Ning Wuzi, when the state is righteous, he is wise; when the state is unrighteous, he is foolish. His wisdom can be reached, but his foolishness cannot."

In other words, Ning Wuzi, a person, is smart when the country's politics are clear, and he pretends to be foolish when the country's politics are dark.

Confucius believed that others could do what Ning Wuzi did, but others could not catch up with Ning Wuzi because he was wise while pretending to be foolish. Others cannot catch up with Ning Wuzi because he has great wisdom hidden beneath his apparent foolishness.

It can be imagined that in an era more than 2,500 years ago, people who were good at pretending to be foolish like Ning Wuzi were extremely rare, so being good at pretending to be foolish became great wisdom.

However, in a so-called "state without righteousness" and a society of "ironclad rules," people who are good at pretending to be foolish like Ning Wuzi are everywhere, and Diogenes is everywhere. Therefore, great wisdom has become small cleverness.

Great wisdom manifests as internal cultivation, seemingly dull but actually containing great beauty. People pretending to be foolish, on the other hand, are just small tricks to survive in an environment of forced behavior.

Modern cynics believe that not letting others see their true selves is the safest way to survive.

However, if the mask of cynicism is worn for too long, it will change from "cannot be taken off" to "need not be taken off" to "unwilling to be taken off." People will forget what kind of creature they are beneath the mask.

Emile Zola said, "Individual justice upholds national justice, and individual dignity constitutes national dignity."

If a country is filled with "cynical" Diogenes who have no justice and have lost their dignity, what justice, dignity, and hope can that country have?

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