
Being towards death

Heed not to the tree-rustling and leaf-lashing rain, Why not stroll along, whistle and sing under its rein. Lighter and better suited than horses are straw sandals and a bamboo staff, Who's afraid? A palm-leaf plaited cape provides enough to misty weather in life sustain. A thorny spring breeze sobers up the spirit, I feel a slight chill, The setting sun over the mountain offers greetings still. Looking back over the bleak passage survived, The return in time Shall not be affected by windswept rain or shine.

How to manually obtain hotel program sources using the ZoomEye tool

Using the tool Network Mapping: ZoomEye (


  1. Hotel Source Acquisition

First, you need to find valid hotel source IPs, and then download the playlist on the server of that IP.

To find valid hotel source IPs, you can search for keywords like "iptv/live/zh_cn.js" in the mapping space, along with regional keywords, to find some hotel source IPs. Then, by using IP+/iptv/live/1000.json?key=txiptv, you can obtain the JSON content of the program list. Finally, use a programming language to extract the program names and links from the JSON to create a program list.

For example, by searching "iptv/live/zh_cn.js" on ZoomEye:

The first result is in Guangzhou. Then, by accessing, you can get the JSON content of the program:

This program list has 29 items, and both the program names and URLs are in this JSON data. We can open the URL of the first item to test if it can be played normally:

The program can be played normally. Finally, by using regular expressions or relevant code, we can extract the required name and URL values to obtain the program list we need.
For example, we can also search "zhgxtv" on ZoomEye:

The first result is in Ganzhou. Then, by accessing, you can get the program list:


The webpage displays garbled characters, so we can right-click and choose "Save Page As" (I am using Firefox browser, other browsers are similar) to save the page:


Let's take a look at the downloaded txt file:

The program names are displayed correctly. It is worth noting that the IP at the front of this program list,, is an internal IP. If we want to play it normally, we need to replace with the IP we found earlier, which is We can replace with a batch replace, and after the replacement, we will have the program list we need:


Let's test if the program can be played normally:


  1. Additional Information

  2. We can add conditions to obtain the programs we need, such as adding regional restrictions:

ZHGXTV + subdivisions:"Guangxi" only searches for hotel source IPs in Guangxi.

  1. Not every IP obtained from the mapping space has program sources. Usually, the ones with the most recent dates can find related program lists. Additionally, logged-in users or advanced accounts may obtain more data, increasing the chances of obtaining valid IPs.

  2. The special keywords for hotel sources are not only "iptv/live/zh_cn.js" and "ZHGXTV". To find hotel sources, we need to find the corresponding keywords and the corresponding program list positions. There are also some other keywords to explore.

  3. Based on the above principles, we can design Python code (such as the Python code shared in the previous article on automatically obtaining hotel source programs through FOFA) to automatically obtain IPs and match program lists.

  4. Obtaining valid hotel source IPs is not limited to obtaining them from mapping spaces. You can also scan IP ranges and test whether the corresponding program list web pages can be accessed normally. If they can be accessed normally, they are considered valid IPs, and then the program lists can be obtained and saved.

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