
Being towards death

Heed not to the tree-rustling and leaf-lashing rain, Why not stroll along, whistle and sing under its rein. Lighter and better suited than horses are straw sandals and a bamboo staff, Who's afraid? A palm-leaf plaited cape provides enough to misty weather in life sustain. A thorny spring breeze sobers up the spirit, I feel a slight chill, The setting sun over the mountain offers greetings still. Looking back over the bleak passage survived, The return in time Shall not be affected by windswept rain or shine.


Why have ordinary people become indifferent to current affairs?

One netizen answered like this: "Official media should focus less on praising the government and more on the livelihood of the people."

I believe this answer not only resonates with me, but also with many ordinary people.

A few days ago, this year's Olympics ended, but how many people knew that the Olympics had already started? If it weren't for the name Quan Hongchan, how many people would have paid attention to the Olympics this year?

Why do ordinary people only know about Quan Hongchan and not the Olympics?

It is precisely because of Quan Hongchan's experience that satisfies the fantasy of ordinary people in today's reality. With her own efforts, Quan Hongchan has changed the living standards of her entire family.

But there is only one Quan Hongchan. In the current environment, how many people work tirelessly for more than ten hours a day but still can't earn enough for a down payment on a house?

Hope for the future is bleak.

Earning only two or three thousand yuan a month, but caring about rocket launches, the number of gold medals in the Olympics, the launch of aircraft carriers, and which country is going to war. Isn't this a sickness?

Just like the recent Olympics, all the self-media and official media on the internet were cheering for the Olympics, celebrating how many gold medals were won.

Does this really have anything to do with us ordinary people?

Nowadays, many people send out resumes but face constant rejection, without even a job opportunity. These media outlets never stand up to speak for the ordinary people.

They always prefer to use macro-narratives to cover up the insignificance of individuals, as if we weak individuals should not be highlighted in their macro-narratives.

There is no doubt that most ordinary people are still simple and honest.

But now, even struggling to have enough to eat and lacking a stable job, worrying about being laid off any day, there is no hope for the future. At this time, can we expect ordinary people to care about current affairs?

Who cares about current affairs when you can't even have enough to eat as a poor ordinary person?

As a poor ordinary person who can't even have enough to eat, do you really deserve to keep up with current affairs? How much can you understand? Even if you understand, can you, as a poor ordinary person, solve any problems? It's just needless worry.

The injustice in society is becoming more and more common.

In the past, due to the underdevelopment of the media, information and news were relatively scarce, and ordinary people would often gather together to discuss current affairs.

But now, the Internet is quite developed, and various online articles and short videos can deliver the latest information to ordinary people within seconds.

It can also allow ordinary people to learn the truth that was previously impossible to know. But at this point, ordinary people have become numb. Where is the time to care about current affairs?

Today's news is about how many billions a corrupt official has embezzled, and tomorrow it's about another corrupt official embezzling billions. How can poor ordinary people care about current affairs?

Today, ordinary people can't afford a house. For those who have a house, they are already thinking about next month's mortgage. Meanwhile, corruption cases involve billions, which is something that many ordinary people can never achieve even after a lifetime of hard work.

Is there any meaning in paying attention to current affairs? It is not a source of income, nor can it pay the mortgage. It only adds unnecessary anxiety.

In fact, it is not that ordinary people have become indifferent, but that society has changed. Ordinary people have become disillusioned, which is why they are indifferent to everything.

Perhaps, it is not that ordinary people have become indifferent, but that they have become more aware.
