
Being towards death

Heed not to the tree-rustling and leaf-lashing rain, Why not stroll along, whistle and sing under its rein. Lighter and better suited than horses are straw sandals and a bamboo staff, Who's afraid? A palm-leaf plaited cape provides enough to misty weather in life sustain. A thorny spring breeze sobers up the spirit, I feel a slight chill, The setting sun over the mountain offers greetings still. Looking back over the bleak passage survived, The return in time Shall not be affected by windswept rain or shine.

The sovereignty and security of the State of Israel must not be violated! Reading "Thirty Years in the Holy Land" brings about strong emotions.

To discuss this topic, we must first understand the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: there is an explanation on Wikipedia.

The war between Israel, Iran, and their proxies that began on October 7, 2023, has been going on for a full 300 days today! This is the longest, most intense, and most severe war in the history of Israel, with the greatest international pressure and the most serious domestic divisions!

Today, this war not only shows no signs of stopping, but with Israel's strikes on Yemen, Lebanon, and Iran, and with terrorist leaders being eliminated one after another, it is highly likely to escalate into a full-scale war between Israel and Iran and its proxies.

What exactly is the Israel-Iran war fighting for? What are Israel's goals?

In short: Israel wants to rebuild its strategic deterrence in the Middle East!

As a small country surrounded by powerful enemies with no strategic depth, Israel's foundation lies in its strategic deterrence capability. The purpose of this strategic deterrence is to make the leaders and people of neighboring countries understand that Israel is not the weak Jews who have been repeatedly oppressed in history without daring to fight back. The territorial sovereignty of the State of Israel cannot be violated! The lives and security of the Israeli people cannot be infringed upon!

Such principles of strategic deterrence are naturally reasonable for any sovereign country in the world and are well-known simple truths. However, due to deep-rooted anti-Semitism in the Western and Islamic worlds, discrimination, persecution, oppression, and even the killing of Jews are considered reasonable behavior. Therefore, neighboring countries regard Israel's sovereignty as nothing and treat the lives of the Israeli people as a joke, thinking that they can fight or kill as they please. The international anti-Semitism forces, represented by the Western left-wing elites, shamelessly defend and support these racist and terrorist acts that blatantly trample on international law and humanitarian principles, using their power to exert pressure on Israel from various aspects such as news, academia, street movements, parliamentary politics, and international organizations, attempting to force the Jewish state to submit and make concessions. Faced with such a dangerous environment, Israel has no choice but to rise up to defend its rights and dignity. Every day is a battle for Israel, with no way out! Israel must ensure that any act that threatens its sovereignty and security will be severely punished, and its enemies must pay tenfold or even a hundredfold for their actions!

By the early 1990s, after five Middle East wars and the sacrifice of thousands of Israeli heroes and heroines, Israel had built up a strong strategic deterrence capability. Every country around Israel understood that provoking Israel would have unimaginable consequences, so no one dared to go to war with Israel. However, with the development of the "Middle East peace process" in the past thirty years, Israel's strategic deterrence has been gradually eroded and reached the brink of collapse in the Hamas massacre on October 7, 2023.
The "Middle East peace process" is not without its merits. For Israel, joining this process has allowed it to gain more international recognition, secure more living space, and catch up with the fast train of globalization in a timely manner, achieving significant progress in the economic and technological fields. However, the harm caused to Israel's national security by this process is also enormous. Strengthening relations with the international community has also meant that Israel is increasingly constrained and influenced by the originally unfriendly international atmosphere. The actions of the Israeli military and security agencies have become more and more timid, and politicians are more eager to retreat than to attack. At the same time, terrorist organizations armed and supported by Iran have become more and more arrogant, with their attacks ranging from individual suicide bombings to hundreds or even thousands of rocket attacks, culminating in the massacre on October 7, 2023, when Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israeli territory and carried out hours of inhumane massacres, rapes, burning people alive, and roasting babies in ovens. When the Middle East peace process began, Israel was promised "land for peace." In the past thirty years, Israel has given away large tracts of land, but peace is still a distant prospect, and even security has become a problem.

Therefore, this war is not about hostages, not about land, and not even about Hamas, but about Israel's deterrence power - Israel must correct the adverse consequences brought about by the "Middle East peace process" and ensure that the Gaza Strip and southern Lebanon do not pose a threat to the State of Israel. Therefore, Hamas' armed forces must be eliminated, and Hamas' rule must be overthrown; UN Resolution 1701 must be implemented, and Hezbollah must not cross the Litani River. If Hezbollah refuses to comply with the UN resolution, Israel must use force to ensure that these resolutions are implemented! Israel must strike at Iran's armed forces and strategic facilities, making Iran pay a heavy price for its decades of anti-Israel activities. The key point of this war is not "Iron Domeism," not about reducing Israel's losses, but about inflicting significant losses on the enemy; not about defending its own airspace, but about bringing the war to the enemy's land.

Israel has enough determination, will, strength, and international support to achieve its goals, even the obstacles posed by the Biden administration behind the scenes cannot stop Israel's footsteps. This war will last as long as it needs to, and Israel will bear whatever losses it needs to. Israel's enemies should not expect to escape unscathed - let Israel's enemies collapse, let Israel's enemies suffer severe injuries, and let Israel's enemies have no way out!
Israel will no longer fall for the "Middle East peace process." With the collapse of the process of globalization, the dividends it brought are far outweighed by the harm it has caused to Israel's security. Israel can accept the resolution of the Middle East conflict within the framework of the "Abraham Accords," but this depends on whether Trump can win the U.S. presidential election in November this year.

"Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then I will be confident." (Psalm 27:3)

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