Dreaming is a sign of a healthy person. When a person is dreaming, the blood flow and glucose metabolism levels in the brain are higher than when not dreaming. This is a sign of stronger brain function. If a person never dreams, it indicates that there may be a problem with their right brain. Only vegetative patients and dementia patients do not dream.
Dreams are mysterious yet ordinary. They are a sign of normal sleep and also a sign of good health.
Do dreams have different meanings for each person? What do they actually signify? People often say, "Thoughts during the day, dreams during the night." Does this dream signify something good or bad? Curious people have come up with different results. Let's take a look at which dream interpretation is most convincing to you.
- Why do I keep having the same dream?
Recurring dreams indicate that the dreamer has an unresolved psychological issue, which is called a "complex" in psychology, or commonly known as a "mental block".
The nature of this complex is directly related to the theme and emotions of the recurring dream. For example, if someone keeps dreaming about exams, it may be related to the psychological factors of "seeking approval" or "anxiety".
- What does it mean to dream like watching a TV series?
This type of dream represents the development and changes of a psychological complex or the process of psychological growth. For example, dreaming of a deserted construction site, then after a while dreaming of the construction site resuming work, and then dreaming of the completion of the building. This represents the dreamer's psychological growth process of self-construction.
- Do dreams have predictive power?
Yes, but it is rare. The famous psychologist Carl Jung once dreamed of the outbreak of World War II before it happened.
However, the predictions in dreams are not straightforward expressions, but mostly expressed through symbolic images. Even when Jung dreamed of the outbreak of World War II, the dream was a mythical scene. The interpretation was only obtained after the outbreak of World War II.
- Why are my dreams in black and white?
Generally, we do not pay attention to the colors in dreams unless the colors in the dream catch our attention. If "black and white" catches your attention, there are two possibilities: either your mental life lacks color, or you may have compulsive psychological tendencies.
- Why do I have dreams within dreams?
Dreams within dreams can be seen as the beginning of a second dream or as entering a deeper level of the subconscious. For example, the former is the prelude, and the latter is the main content.
- Why did I dream that he had a car accident and it actually happened?
It is not "coming true," but rather a coincidence. Of course, this coincidence also has psychological basis. It indicates that you have a high level of attention to him. It's like a new mother who is very sensitive to every move of her baby. While others may not hear the baby waking up, the mother can feel it.
- Which dreams are meaningful?
From a general perspective, any dream is meaningful because it reflects the subconscious activities of the dreamer. From a psychological analysis or therapeutic perspective, recurring dreams, continuous dreams, vivid dreams (such as strange dreams, nightmares, etc.), and mythological dreams all have analytical value.
- Is it bad to talk about dreams as soon as you wake up?
For people engaged in dream analysis, including psychologists and visitors, it is understandable to do so. As for ordinary people, it depends on their motives for talking about dreams. As long as it is not excessive boasting or indulgence, it is fine to talk about it. Being able to actively pay attention to one's own mind or subconscious is not a bad thing.
- What kind of dreams are positive dreams, and what kind of dreams are negative dreams?
Positive dreams and negative dreams are terms with traditional Chinese connotations. "Positive dreams" are more like narrative dreams, which truthfully describe a psychological state. For example, if someone is very ambitious in reality, they may dream of climbing a mountain. "Negative dreams" are more like "compensatory dreams." For example, if someone is poor in reality, they may dream of becoming rich.
- Why do I think about unresolved issues during the day in my dreams?
Dreams are related to what a person does during the day. It indicates that the dreamer was deeply engaged in thinking about a certain issue during the day, activating the energy of the subconscious.
Therefore, when resting at night, the subconscious continues to work. Some major scientific discoveries have been made by scientists who discovered or were inspired in their dreams.
- Why does having a nightmare affect my mood for the whole day?
In reality, nightmares always affect your mood. Good dreams can only affect your mood for a day. Nightmares often bring negative emotions that need your attention. This also indicates that you did not pay attention to changes in negative emotions before having the nightmare. Therefore, as a signal, it affects your mood, and its purpose is just that.
If you still don't pay attention, it will come again.
- Why can I remember some dreams but not others?
It depends on when you wake up. Sometimes you can remember the content of the dream when you wake up, and sometimes you can't. Dreams are a necessary physiological phenomenon that occurs during the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep phase. They are an active physiological process that includes perceptual memory activities with sensory characteristics and extraordinary associations.
- Does dreaming frequently affect sleep quality?
Dreaming not only does not affect sleep but is also an indispensable physiological activity for protecting brain health.
According to a study in Japan, two substances, one that induces dreams and one that does not, are produced in the brain during sleep. People who dream a lot have a higher level of the substance that induces dreams compared to the substance that does not, which is beneficial for longevity. In a sense, dreaming less or not dreaming at all may be a sign of certain diseases. This is because dreams are the result of the combined action of various centers responsible for various functions in the human body. If one of these centers is damaged, dreams cannot be formed.
- Is it true that placing hands flat on the chest while sleeping leads to nightmares?
Not necessarily. Different people have different sleeping habits, so the sleeping position affects different people differently. Of course, if the hands are placed on the chest for a long time, it may cause difficulty in breathing. If there are other psychological factors involved, the likelihood of having nightmares will increase.
- Does sleeping position affect dreaming?
It has some influence. As mentioned above, different sleeping positions stimulate different people differently.
- Why do I wake up with back pain after having long dreams?
Some people may have this feeling. If you can recall the dream, you may feel tired. People's neurological states may be different when waking up at different times, and their ability to recover from fatigue may also be different.
- I used to dream frequently, but why have I had fewer dreams in the past six months?
This may be related to the sleep-wake cycle. It is possible that you have dreamed but either remembered or forgotten them. Additionally, daytime activities or stimuli can also make people more prone to dreaming.
- Why do I cry in my dreams that make me wake up with tears on my pillow?
Dreams are the brain's representation of partial cortical activity that has not completely stopped during sleep. Therefore, it is certain that they are different from thoughts when awake. However, it cannot be concluded that there is no connection between the two.
In dreams, there may be situations where people talk in their sleep, and the content of the sleep talk is related to the content of the dream. Some people may shout loudly due to the fear in their dreams, while others may cry because of sadness. These are all reflex behaviors.
- Why are my dreams always very long?
This question is quite complex. We only know that sometimes we can recall the content of dreams when we wake up, and sometimes we cannot. As for how long we can remember, it may be related to the content of the dream itself. For example, if the beginning or ending of the dream is longer, it is easier for people to remember.
In addition, the length of the dream that can be remembered is related to the neurological functional state at that time, the period of awakening, and the level of stimulation caused by the dream.
- Under what circumstances do people tend to dream?
People are more likely to dream when they are stimulated by the external environment. Additionally, this is also related to the physiological rhythm in which a person is in.