
Being towards death

Heed not to the tree-rustling and leaf-lashing rain, Why not stroll along, whistle and sing under its rein. Lighter and better suited than horses are straw sandals and a bamboo staff, Who's afraid? A palm-leaf plaited cape provides enough to misty weather in life sustain. A thorny spring breeze sobers up the spirit, I feel a slight chill, The setting sun over the mountain offers greetings still. Looking back over the bleak passage survived, The return in time Shall not be affected by windswept rain or shine.

Dream Story: Between the Past and the Future

Life is like a dream, and I raise a glass to toast the bright moon on the river, for the years that will never return, and for the moon that will never leave.

These lines are from Su Shi's poem "Thoughts on the Red Cliff," and as students, we feel the poet's broad-mindedness and freedom. But as we grow older, especially when we reach middle age, one day we look back and find that loved ones have already left, youth is gone, and what we feel is a faint sadness.

One day, two days, or even several months, sadness is like an invisible and intangible smell, always accompanying us, making us feel low and full of worries. Then, on a certain night, dreams will come and tell you how to face this sadness...

Dream Story#

I dreamt that my uncle's family was hosting a gathering, and there were many people in the courtyard. Some people carried two tables and placed them near the left door, turning the courtyard into a large office.

There were so many guests, and my niece was helping to set the table and serve the food, while I was covered with a blanket, lying in bed. I heard my eldest uncle's loud voice and quickly ran to the door. I saw my eldest brother standing at the door in a sharp suit, and I wanted to greet him, but I was blocked by someone and couldn't get through...

There were no familiar faces around me, so I walked to the street and saw a van parked on the side of the road, with a man who looked like a small leader standing next to it. Someone said he was someone, a colleague of my husband. I thought he should know where my husband was, so I quickly went up to ask him for my husband's contact information. He refused to tell me and even thought I was lying...

Background Information#

This is a dream of a woman who was feeling down the day before.

There are two reasons:

First, she learned that a friend's father had suddenly passed away, which made her realize the impermanence of life.

Second, the working style of the new department head made her feel like a newcomer doing odd jobs.

She then thought about her many years of work and realized that her job hadn't changed much, which made her even more depressed. This dream is the dreamer's reflection and contemplation of the past.

Dream Interpretation#

The dream can be divided into two parts for interpretation.

In the first part, there is a family banquet.

If we were to give a more fitting title, it would be "Gathering in the Courtyard," recalling the dreamer's family members: the indistinct guests represent the dreamer's loved ones and friends, all blurred in memory.

In reality, the uncle has already passed away, so the uncle's banquet is more like a memory of the dreamer's childhood, a memory of lingering affection.

The dream scene changes to an office, which is not just a reminiscence of the past family, but more importantly, it is the dreamer's recognition and contemplation of her current situation:

When she first joined the company, the dreamer, with the advantage of her age and hardworking nature, occupied a certain position in the eyes of the leaders and demonstrated her abilities in every aspect. But as she grew older, especially after transferring to a relatively easier position, the dreamer gradually became marginalized. The niece setting the table represents the young and energetic newcomers in the company, as well as the dreamer's past self, busy working overtime. The dreamer lying in bed - lying flat, although relatively relaxed, cannot see the leader (eldest uncle) because she has been replaced by younger family members, which makes the dreamer feel lost.

Faced with the current situation, how should the dreamer solve and cope with it?

In the second part, the theme is seeking help.

It represents the dreamer's handling of the feeling of being lost. This segment can be titled "Looking for Husband," and the plot in the dream reflects the dreamer's loneliness and desire for help, no different from reality.

The dissatisfaction at work has made the dreamer feel down, and when she returns home, she wants to confide in her husband, but how can she open up? After thinking it over, she decides to deal with it on her own.

In the dream, the dreamer seeks her husband through a stranger, but the man refuses to help and even thinks the dreamer is lying. From this, we can infer that the so-called lie is probably "how can you not even contact your own husband?"

I believe everyone can understand the meaning behind this sentence, which is the dreamer's subconscious confusion. Why is there a barrier in communication with her partner?

Dream Revelation#

Although the content expressed in the dream is disheartening, there are still some interesting self-encouragements that can be seen.

Regarding the imbalance in work status, the dream subtly says, "Those young people who are appreciated are just setting the table and doing odd jobs."

Regarding the relationship with her partner, the dream strongly reminds her, "You shouldn't be unable to contact your other half, you need him so much."

We are often a bit foolish when facing life, but with the subconscious accompanying us, even if we cannot be inspired, at least we won't be lonely.

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